Forge of empires events 2019 halloween
Forge of empires events 2019 halloween

you need 7 upgrades you need 12k diamonds just for 1 extra nest finished. You get 1 upgrade every 20 coins (2maps) and 20 coins cost 1745 diamonds. even if we abuse diamonds its still way too rough.

forge of empires events 2019 halloween

If anything it should be a kit to chose between lvl 1 or upgrade. why put nest lvl 1 in wheel? it doesnt make sense theres nest in map. with avrage of 10 coins for a map no one can promise you to finish even 1 nest without using diamonds. Only 2 upgrades from quests and 1 every 2 maps completed. it means less upgrades that we would normally get from leagues.

forge of empires events 2019 halloween forge of empires events 2019 halloween

i think getting upgrades for nest is too hard compared to the nest its self. There are quite a few things in the event that doesnt make sense and kinda ruin it.

Forge of empires events 2019 halloween